Filmmaker Spotlight. Dreamweaver: Wes Craven (1939-2015)

wes craven
A mini-episode sharing our memories of Craven’s films and their impact.


Never Sleep Again: The Nightmare on Elm Street Legacy (2010). The only Nightmare on Elm Street documentary you need to see.

Post Mortem: the Mick Garris Interview series. A wonderful four-part interview with Craven covering the highlights of his career.


Right click or option-click here and choose “Save Target As…” to download the mp3.

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One thought on “Filmmaker Spotlight. Dreamweaver: Wes Craven (1939-2015)

  1. Beyla says:

    Thanks for this. It’s still hard to believe he’s gone. All of his films I wasn’t allowed to watch as a child(except for Swamp Thing), but I did anyway. How his stuff was what everybody on the crew bonded over back when I was working on dtv stuff at the end of the 90s. All the more experienced crew had wonderful stories of meeting him and I kind of expected I’d have one of my own someday but never got that chance.

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