Episode 57. Hard Bodies: American Psycho (2000)

In our first-ever live episode recorded at Salem Horror Fest in Salem, Massachusetts, Andrea and Alex delve into the dark and depraved world of Patrick Bateman and Bret Easton Ellis to discover what is real and what can be bought with a platinum American Express credit card. From the rise of the yuppie to contemporary parallels, American Psycho is a gift that keeps on giving and never goes out of style.


American Psycho. Dir. Mary Harron, 2000.


Salem Horror Fest! Thank you for having us!

American Psycho Author Bret Easton Ellis Tells Us Where Patrick Bateman Would Be Today – An overview of Bret Easton Ellis’ novel American Psycho, which scandalized the literary world and brought a storm of controversy with it.

‘American Psycho’ at 25: Bret Easton Ellis on Patrick Bateman’s Legacy – The author speaks candidly on Bateman’s legacy and serial killer chic.

Documenting Trump’s Abuse of Women – The New Yorker article documenting Donald Trump’s misogyny and vanity.

Lunar Park – Easton Ellis’ 2006 novel that documents the return of Patrick Bateman.
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3 thoughts on “Episode 57. Hard Bodies: American Psycho (2000)

  1. Diana West says:

    Just listened to this as a late Xmas present to myself. Loved it! Loved it for all the usual reasons — that Alex and Andrea are smart, articulate and intriguing hosts; that their points of view (re: their subject matter) tie in so neatly to the now of our chaos. Loved it with the audience and the interaction between the parties. Laughed and thought at the same time! So proud of you both and so happy to have heard this! I vote yes for the live shows. Glad you made it back home!

  2. Jamie Herrick says:

    This was so amazing. I love listening to you guys live, this might be my favorite episode of the FoH yet. You guys are the best.

  3. Selena says:

    I rather liked the “behind the scenes” fun you guys had in this live episode. It’s probably one of my favorites from the podcast so far. 🙂

    Hope I can catch you live in person one of these days!

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