Author Archives: Andrea

Fack Flash! Robert Eggers’ NOSFERATU

Christmas came early for the profs this year, with an advance screening to Robert Eggers’ hotly anticipated adaptation of Nosferatu! We recorded our immediate reaction at the cinema for our Patreon, but we wanted to spread the good cheer for the film’s wide release.

Hear our raw reactions – but beware spoilers if you don’t want details!

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Episode 134. Material World: They Live (1988)

In this episode Andrea and Alex deep-dive into John Carpenter’s cult-classic exploring the ways that materialism, Marxism, and maximalism have driven us to the edge of consumption. 

Check out our Class of 2024 merch! Artwork by the incredible Candice Purwin.


They Live. Dir. John Carpenter, 1988.


“Eight O’Clock in the Morning.” Ray Nelson’s short story that inspired They Live
The Politics of Gender Presentation – Why what we buy to wear matters.
The Films of John Carpenter. John Kenneth Muir’s examination of Carpenter’s filmography. 


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Episode 133. Missionary Position: The Conjuring (2013)

James Wan’s blockbuster horror offering The Conjuring thrilled audiences and created a cinematic universe but for Andrea and Alex it left an icky feeling that has nothing to do with demonic possession. By investigating the politics, means and ideology behind the film, they’ll uncover the true villains behind this narrative. 

Check out our Class of 2024 merch! Artwork by the incredible Candice Purwin.


The Conjuring. Dir. James Wan, 2013. 


War Over ‘The Conjuring’: The Disturbing Claims Behind a Billion-Dollar Franchise. Hollywood Reporter’s Investigation into the claims made about the real-life Warrens.
Scared Sacred: Idolatry, Religion and Worship in the Horror Film. The essay collection featuring Alex’s chapter on The Conjuring and The Conjuring 2


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Episode 132. Mother May I?: Suspiria (2018) with Stacie Ponder

For this very special back-to-school episode, Andrea and Alex are joined by the one and only Stacie Ponder to dig into the depths of Luca Guadagnino’s remake of Dario Argento’s classic. From the dance of politics to the dance of sexuality, there’s more under the floorboards of the Markos Dance Academy than meets the eye.

For more Stacie, check out her blog Final Girl, her column Devil’s in the Details in Rue Morgue, and her Twin Peaks recap podcast series with Mike Muncer, The Detective and the Log Lady.
Check out our Class of 2024 merch! Artwork by the incredible Candice Purwin.



Suspiria. Dir. Luca Guadagnino, 2018. 


40 Years of German Autumn. An overview of the left-wing terrorist attacks that rocked the nation.
Hannah Arendt’s challenge to Adolf Eichmann. The banality of evil, in context.


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