Fack Flash! Mortal Kombat (2021) – PREVIEW

CHOOSE YOUR DESTINY! Andrea and Alex got unreasonably excited about the new Mortal Kombat movie, so we recorded our pre-and post-movie impressions in an all-new Fack Flash.

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Episode 94. Bad Romance: Twilight (2008)

Get out the glitter and baseball bats because we’re diving into the complex world of Twilight. From fandom to first love to coming of age and problematic depictions, we’re going deep with this one. Hold on tight, spider monkey!


Twilight. Dir. Catherine Hardwicke, 2008.


How Twilight Changed Fan Culture Forever. A look at Twilight‘s intersection of fandom and the rise of social media.
“I Can’t Believe We Read This Whole Book!” How Reading for Their Own Purposes Affected Struggling Teens. Examining the power of reading from a teaching perspective.
Mormon Vampires in the Garden of Eden. How Stephanie Meyer’s Mormonism presents in her text.
Reviving Ophelia. An iconic text that looks at the intersection of teenage girls and media.
The Twilight Saga’s Issue with Indigenous Culture. A breakdown of how the Twilight Saga‘s representation of Indigeneity is problematic.
Catherine Hardwicke Broke Records With ‘Twilight.’ Then Hollywood Labeled Her ‘Difficult.’ Hardwicke’s 2018 interview that details her struggles with getting the film made and her fight for a more diverse cast.
Teams, Tears, and Testimonials. A cultural analysis of the fan-populated Twilight Time Capsule.
Twilight: the franchise that ate feminism. An overview of the popular criticisms leveled at the series.
Twilight reviewed by Mark Kermode. The veteran film critic goes to bat for Twilight


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Episode 93. Candid Camera: Perfect Blue (1997) and Cam (2018)

From pop idols to cam girls, the line between reality and perception is dangerously blurred. In this episode, Andrea and Alex delve into the world of personas, obsession and perfection with two films, released decades apart, that grapple with modern anxieties.


Perfect Blue. Dir. Satoshi Kon, 1997.
Cam. Dir. Daniel Goldhaber, 2018.


Ways of Seeing. John Berger’s BBC series on gaze and perception.
Why We’re Obsessed with Celebrities. Psychology Today‘s take our desire for fame equating goodness.
Camgirl. Isa Mazzei’s memoir of camming.
Algorithms have already taken over human decision making. The impact of algorithms on our day-to-day lives.
#Horror – Is It Worth the Fight? A discussion of censorship and the hashtag #horror. 


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Fack Flash! Best Couples in Horror – PREVIEW

Roses are red,
Violets are blue
The best couples in horror!
From us, to you <3

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