Commentary – Candyman (PREVIEW)

Pass the popcorn! Patrons in our Professor Emeritus tier can watch Bernard Rose’s Candyman with Alex and Andrea via a full-length commentary track. Here’s a taste!

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Episode 78. Blood Ties: Interview with the Vampire (1994) and Queen of the Damned (2002)

Sharpen your teeth (and your wits) because this month, we’re devouring the world of Anne Rice and her cinematic vampires. Discussing their emergence from Gothic literary fever dream to hyper-stylized incarnations on the big screen, Andrea and Alex prove that there’s still life in them yet.

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Interview with the Vampire. Dir Neil Jordan, 1994.
Queen of the Damned. Dir. Michael Rymer, 2002.


Anne Rice and Queering of Culture. A discussing of Anne Rice’s ability to subvert cultural norms.
The Poet, the Physician and the Birth of the Modern Vampire. How the modern vampire was constructed from a toxic relationship.
The Rise of Nu Metal. An in-depth history of nu-metal’s influences, popularity and decline.
Why We Seek the High of Fame. Psychology Today’s analysis of the desire for notoriety.
The Timeless Myth of Medusa, a Rape Victim Turned Into a Monster. A look at the construction of a female monster.
Encyclopedia Gothica by Liisa Ladouceur. Goth subculture, A – Z.


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Glossary of Gore – Episode 1 (PREVIEW)

In our first-ever Glossary of Gore episode, Alex tackles Laura Mulvey’s theory of the male gaze; analyzing Mulvey’s essay Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema and discussing how it’s been applied since it became part of cinematic vernacular.

The full episode is available only to the post-graduate tier of our Patreon! Join now and gain access to the complete one-hour episode, plus even more perks and extras.

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Episode 77. Human Nature: Under the Skin (2013)

Live from Salem Horror Fest 2019 – Andrea and Alex tackle Jonathan Glazer’s alien masterpiece. Bringing the outlying universe down to Earth, Under The Skin reveals the darkest parts of consciousness in a chilling meditation on what it means to be human.

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Under the Skin. Dir. Jonathan Glazer, 2013.


VIDEO: The Making of Under the Skin. An in-depth look at the film’s production.
The Alien Gaze of Under the Skin. How Under the Skin employs and subverts gaze theory.
Where to Begin with Folk Horror. Some key definitions of the increasingly popular sub-genre.
Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (1990) by Judith Butler. Gender is as gender does, but it’s just a bit more complicated.


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